Many imagine the life of a missionary being fraught with danger:  malaria, ebola, tuberculosis, cholera, corrupt police, drought, floods, military activity, unsafe roads, yucky bugs, high heat and lack of electricity, to name a few.

The difficulty these dangers pose, though, often don’t effect us as significantly as another risk.  And this risk was the number one reason I (Melinda) almost missed my calling.  I was not afraid to live a life that included rats and cockroaches and a lack of comfort and ease, but I did have a fear about raising financial support to do so.  I knew our focus on orphans, street children and the poor meant that our ‘clientele’ would seldom be able to renumerate us for our efforts.

Thus, our biggest risk, is financial, for the danger is that we run short of funds and find ourselves limited in impact.  Or that we have to spend so much time on fundraising that we aren’t able to invest the bulk of our time in the people here.

Obviously, I overcame my fear about the humbling and risk required to pursue this path, for I am here. And David agreed with this decision, because he too knows that trusting God is always the right decision.

So, we clearly are not afraid to risk, and we do understand suffering can come with this territory, but we also know that God does not desire us to be alone in this endeavor or without help.  Often He reminds us of the words of Mother Teresa, “What you can do, I cannot do.  What I can do, you cannot do.  But together, you and I can do something beautiful for God.”

Therefore, for those of you willing and desirous of partnering with Flourish & Thrive, there are several ways you can help us bring hope, healing and transformation to those that need it the most.  First and foremost, prayer is one of the ingredients.  As is financial support.  Airline miles, supplies, and an encouraging words are most welcome too!  So, whether you want to help sponsor an orphan monthly, or help out occasionally, however He might lead you to get involved, we thank you for standing alongside us as we generate foundations that support human flourishing in desperate places.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.     Philippians 1:3-5